====== Python Code ====== Python was used to parse the data received from the sensors. The below program was used to get a graph based on the values received from the sensor. The data was also saved in a csv format after. Data was then combined from all the locations and the pandas tool was used to find the mean value and the ratio of the mean vs the concentration of CO2 in clean air. # Importing library import csv import pandas as pd import serial import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # make sure the 'COM#' is set according the Windows Device Manager ser = serial.Serial('insert_device_com', 9600, timeout=1) time.sleep(2) data = [] for i in range(100): line = ser.readline() # read a byte string if line: string = line.decode() # convert the byte string to a unicode string num = float(string) # convert the unicode string to an int num2 = int(num) data.append(num2) # add int to data list ser.close() # build the plot plt.plot(data) plt.xlabel('Time[s]') plt.ylabel('CO2 [ppm]') plt.title('CO2 vs. Time') plt.show() CO2 = pd.DataFrame(data) #convert data to a pandas dataframe # opening the csv file in 'w+' mode file = open('CO2_(insert-initial.csv', 'w+', newline ='') CO2.to_csv(file,index = False) #combining data taken from all three locations L = pd.read_csv('CO2_L.csv') #reading the csv files K = pd.read_csv('CO2_K.csv') B = pd.read_csv('CO2_B.csv') df = pd.concat([L,K,B], axis = 1) #combining all the files horizontally # calculating the mean for each location mean = df.mean() ppm = 400 #defining ppm of CO2 in clean air ratio = mean/ppm #calculating the ratio of ppm of each location with the ppm of clean air #adding the mean and ratio to the dataframe df.loc['mean'] = mean df.loc['ratio'] = mean/ppm #converting the dataframe to a csv file file1 = open('CO2.csv', 'w+', newline ='') df.to_csv(file1,index = False) The below program was used to get a graph based on the sound in decibels vs time. The data was received from the sensor LM393. # Importing library import csv import pandas as pd import serial import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # make sure the 'COM#' is set according the Windows Device Manager ser = serial.Serial('insert_device_com', 9600, timeout=1) time.sleep(2) data = [] for i in range(100): line = ser.readline() # read a byte string if line: string = line.decode() # convert the byte string to a unicode string num = float(string) # convert the unicode string to an int num2 = int(num) data.append(num2) # add int to data list ser.close() # build the plot plt.plot(data) plt.xlabel('Time[ms]') plt.ylabel('Sound[dB]') plt.title('Sound vs. Time') plt.show() [[amc2021:groupl:report:start|Back to report]]