====== Welcome to EOLab Projects! ====== ===== IoT Finca Gran Canaria ===== * [[.:gc:finca:start|IoT Finca Gran Canaria]] ===== Internet of Agriculture (IoA) ===== * [[.:ioa:offline_farmOS:start|The offline FarmOS Guide]] * [[.:rs485_lorawan:start|RS485 Lora Node]] * [[.:ioa:trough_automation:start|Trough Automation]] ===== Web Mapping Projects ===== * [[.gw:start|Ground Water]] * [[.treemap:start|TreeMap]] * [[.:xanten_trees:start|Xanten Trees]] * [[.:moers_garbage_bins:start|Garbage Bins of Moers]] * [[.weather_station:kleve:start|Weather Station Kleve]] * [[eolab:weather_station:kamp-lintfort:start|HSRW EOLab Weather Station in Kamp-Lintfort]] ===== Cloud Platform Projects ===== * [[projects:crunchy:start|Crunchy Mini Cluster]] ===== digiFellow: Jupyter-Hub ===== do be done ===== Kooperation LINEG ===== * [[.:lineg:groundwater:start|Konzept Grundwassermessung]] ===== EnvironMINT ===== * [[projects:EnvironMINT:start]] ===== Digitaler Gießwagen ===== * [[eolab:projects:giesswagen:start|Gießwagen]] ===== InnoRind ===== * [[eolab:projects:InnoRind:SleapAI:start|Animal Pose Estimation with Sleap]]