~~NOTOC~~ ====== FIRElinks Workgroup Meeting at HSRW ====== [[https://firelinks.eu/|{{https://firelinks.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/logo_line.png}}]] **[[https://firelinks.eu/|EU COST Action FIRElinks Website]]** ===== Schedule / Program ===== * Time: **2022-08-15 - 2022-08-17** * Location: Campus Kleve, HSRW Greenhouse * Schedule: [[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/day/2022/8/15?cid=OTVib2I0OXNzNHA2MTJtYWk0MTQwMDE3cm9AZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ|Google Calendar]] ===== Video Recordings of Day 1 ===== * Part 001: https://youtu.be/JrJxSYUneSw * Part 002: https://youtu.be/GzGuFajbdFc * Part 003: https://youtu.be/Y91VspTnW1k {{youtube>JrJxSYUneSw?}} {{youtube>GzGuFajbdFc?}} {{youtube>Y91VspTnW1k?}} \\ ===== Excursions / Visits ===== * Campus Kleve: Greenhouse, Blue Fab Lab * Campus Kamp-Lintfort: Green Fab Lab, IoT Lab, Drone Lab, Earth Observation Lab * Emergency Control Center Wesel District * Forest Reichswald Kleve * No suitable date found for meeting with firefighters [[https://www.dronewatch.nl/tag/martijn-zagwijn/|Drone Team of Brandweer Twente, Martijn Zagwijn]] ===== Summarizing discussion about practical use of drones for practitioners ===== Artemi: Use of drones, support the firefighters, a lot to improve, with the help of the drones, equipment will improve, tech is going fast, scientific community produces ideas how to use the tech, in 10 yrs advanced tech, Hamed: Instruction, policy, interoperability of systems, sci. comm. minimum changes, extract most important info from data, missing: requirement analysis with firefighters, usability eng., Ioannis: Review how drones are used in forest affairs, Jesus: Potentials, fire, multispec, search (and rescue, SAR) Hamed: looking at bottlenecks, limitations, honest assessment of possibilities, which GUI?, user centered design, co-design, requirement analysis Ioannis: 1. written review, 2. survey, Rolf: Interviews with practitioners Jesus: Webinar, e.g. in German Artemi: Firefighter meetings, national only, because of English, firefighters, scientists, policy makers, foresters, Esra: Invite practitioner experts to learn their requirements, Jesus: Working group 5, exchange with stakeholders, in Feb launch last year of COST action, **webinar** in Dec, in Granada in July access to policy, regional gvmt, national parks, volunteers, firefighters Eugeniusz: Transfer, development plan, post fire managements, degraded areas, policy, fire on the slope, improve measurement accuracy, important for **civil engineers** to develop new plans, protection against erosion, civil eng. solutions (terraces, cut berms, etc.), tech. solutions would prepare biological solutions Artemi: Damage caused by restauration measures (machinery) if often worse than damage by fire. Soil is affected by heavy machines. Drones: Where, when we have to apply solutions, in mediteranean ecosystems you don't have to do anything (only 2% need intervention). Cover 25% of the land with wood or straw mats, big change in the economy of the , forest plantation is econ. not interesting/feasible in the mediteranean areas. Esra: Remote sensing, satellite images will help as well, 10x10m², useful, burnt area index, big archives, Google Earth Engine, Artemi: Drones can help to study the evolution (time series) Hamed: Decision making, on EU level, added value, development of fire management platform ===== Product Presentation: Silvanet by Dryad ===== [[https://www.dryad.net/silvanet|Dryad's Silvanet]] is a complete solution for ultra-early fire detection and monitoring the forest’s health and growth. It includes sensors, an open standards network infrastructure, and monitoring, analytics and alert services.