====== Introduction to IoT Serie of Workshops ====== ===== Requirements ===== * Basic programming knowledge, preferably C or C++. * Basic knowledge in electricity, * Foundations in digital and analog electronics ===== Materials ===== * Personal computer * Operating system: Any * Internet connection * Dev board: WeMos D1 Mini * Mico-USB to USB-A cable * Breadboard * Jumper wires * Sensors: * DS18B20 (temperature sensor) * Capacitive soil moisture sensor * VL53L0X (ToF) * Actuator: * LED ===== Session Outline ===== [[latinet:unicaes:workshops:intro-to-iot-23| Day 1: Introduction to IoT]] * Introduction to IoT * Setup development environment * Install Arduino IDE * Install libraries * Drivers * Hardware review * Coding Warm-up * LED Blink [[latinet:unicaes:workshops:sensors-23| Day 2: Sensors and Communication]]: * PWM * Just analog (Capacity sensor) * 1-Wire (temperature sensor) * I2C (ToF sensor) [[latinet:unicaes:workshops:communication-23| Day 3: IoT Communication]]: * MQTT [[latinet:unicaes:workshops:nig | Day 4: NIG stack]]: * Setup docker * Node-RED * Influx * Grafana