====== Event Marketing Template ====== **Name of the event:**\\ ISAP Vorbereitungsreise 2024 - Chile - O`Higgins **Who was present (headlining the event):**\\ International Office O`Higgins **Who represented the Lab at the event:**\\ Waltraud Kofer und Jan Sonntag **When and where:**\\ 21.08.2024 - 30.08.2024, Rancagua, Chile **What was the aim of the event itself:**\\ ISAP is a program to strenghten the collaboration between two universities in one specific field (this case: Environment & Energy) on an educational level. To accomplish the funding of our ISAP proposal at the DAAD, Waltraud Kofer and Jan Sonntag applied for a Vorbereitungsreise to the O`Higgins. There they planned out specific measurements to bring the cooperation in education to a new level. Including: Students and Researcher Exchange, Teaching & development of courses together (online, hybrid, offline) and many more **What was the Lab representative's agenda:**\\ * Lab Tours * Meeting with Researchers * Meeting with Internationalicion * Workgroup meetings to develop new measurements * Cultural Events * :!: Jornada Global Alemania - Meeting with university president, directives, academics (German Embassy, DAAD, Heidelberg Center Latin America, Goethe Insitut, AHK, Alexander von Humbolt Foundation **Are there photos or recordings of the event available? If yes, are they on Slam team cloud Media gallery?:**\\ Slam Cloud: /Media Gallery/2024-08-30 O`Higgins **Did we establish connections/partnership? If so, with who?:**\\ O`Higgins University at both Campuses **Additional comments:**\\ * Special thanks to International Office * Include: Pictures by UOH