===== Robomaster TT (Tello) Educational Drones ===== {{:projects:robomastertt:8cc5035494202e125c3a7ed58f532198.jpg?400|}} Software download: https://www.dji.com/de/robomaster-tt/downloads DFRobot General Tutorial [[https://mindplus.dfrobot.com/RMTT|DFRobot Mind+]] YouTube: Mind+ Tutorial [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_08TwrLi-C0|How to connect and run code on Robomaster Tello Talent on Mind plus software]] ==== Firewall Exceptions ==== * 8889/udp control * 8890/udp state * 11111/udp video ==== Update Drone Firmware ==== - **Can only be done through the phone app!** - Download the newest Firmware in the App while still connected to the internet - before connecting to the drones wifi - Connect to the drones Wifi (TELLO-xxxx) without the extension module connected! - Under the app settings update firmware ==== Modify Extension Module Wifi AP ==== - Connect only the extension module with a usb cable to your PC - Open the Mind+ software - Under Extensions (Bottom left) select "RoboMasterTT (ESP32)" - Then change the Wifi AP to something like below and press upload {{:projects:robomastertt:screenshot_2024-12-11_174931.png?400|}} ==== HINTS ==== * When the drone is set to STA / connect to router mode with the switch on the extension module, the propellers will start spinning once connected. If you want to stop the propellers simply lift the drone. ==== PYTHON ==== * [[ https://pypi.org/project/djitellopy/|DJITelloPy PyPi]] * [[https://djitellopy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|DJITelloPy Docs]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYJ3vcHG4jY|YouTube: Conquering Tello Drone Programming with Python]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/@JakesScienceShop/videos|YouTube: Bunch of usefull Tello Python Programming]] from djitellopy import TelloSwarm # Create a swarm with two Tello drones swarm = TelloSwarm.fromIps(["", ""]) # Connect to the drones print("Connecting to drones...") swarm.connect() #print("Battery levels:") #for i, battery in enumerate(swarm.get_battery(), start=1): # print(f"Tello{i}: {battery}%") # Change the LED colour of both drones swarm.parallel(lambda i, tello: tello.send_expansion_command("led 255 0 0")) # Execute commands as a swarm swarm.takeoff() swarm.parallel(lambda i, tello: tello.move_forward(50)) # Rotate only the second drone swarm.tellos[1].rotate_clockwise(90) # Change the LED colour of the second drone swarm.tellos[1].send_expansion_command("led 0 255 0") # Land all drones simultaneously swarm.land() print("Mission complete!") ==== UWB ==== [[https://github.com/TIERS/uwb-tello-swarm|GitHub: uwb-tello-swarm]] [[https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005007317252043.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2deu|UWB Modules Tello]] ==== Gesture Control ==== [[https://github.com/kinivi/tello-gesture-control|GitHub: tello-gesture-control]] [[https://github.com/philipnakhleh/Hand-Tracking-Module|GitHub: Hand-Tracking-Module]] [[https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/07/building-a-hand-tracking-system-using-opencv/|Hand Tracking from scratch Python Tutorial]]