Table of Contents

GIS Instructions

Anaconda Powershell Prompt

We will use several special Python packages to process geodata and to interact with geodatabases. The following list is not comprehensive:

conda create -c conda-forge -n geo python=3 jupyterlab geopandas shapely matplotlib requests
conda activate geo
pip install sodapy 
cd ...
conda install -c conda-forge ... (or pip install ...)

(For more information, see the file attached conda-cheatsheet.pdf).



Python Programming (Geoprocessing)


APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential for accessing and manipulating geospatial data. When using Python for geoprocessing, the API libraries available in the Python environment can be a powerful tool in GIS application.  SODA API

An App Token is used to authenticate and access data from web services. This token ensures secure and authorized access to the geospatial data. By integrating APIs in Python, users can automate geoprocessing tasks, such as spatial analysis, data conversion, and map production. We will be using the Socrata Open Data API (SODA) with the Socrata Query Language (SoQL), you can:

  1. Access and visualize geospatial data: Retrieve data from Socrata servers and display it on interactive maps.
  2. Perform spatial analysis: Conduct operations like filtering, sorting, and aggregating geospatial data using SoQL queries.
  3. Manage GIS data: Create, update, and delete spatial datasets and manage user permissions.

For further information, you can check the documentation from Socrata Developer Portal: Socrata Developers

QGIS Workshop II