29.09.2022 - All spectrometers have been radiometrically calibrated using calibrated halogen and deuterium light sources at Ocean Insight in Duiven, NL.
The calibration files can be found here:
Ocean View is the main software provided by Ocean Insight to communicate with the spectrometers. Our license includes two seats and the key can be found on the inner side of the spectrometer drawer in the IOT Lab.
Download: https://www.oceaninsight.com/support/software-downloads/oceanview-2-0-downloads/
If the online activation of the software is not working here is a guide on how to do the activation offline: https://www.oceaninsight.com/support/software-downloads/oceanview-software-downloads/oceanview-offline-activation/
Github: https://github.com/ap--/python-seabreeze
Docs: https://python-seabreeze.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backend_api.html
The Red-Tide spectrometers cant be used with pyseabreeze due to some firmware limitations of the spectrometers. Use Ocean View instead.
conda install -c conda-forge seabreeze seabreeze_os_setup
pip install seabreeze seabreeze_os_setup
Make sure to run “seabreeze_os_setup” after the installation
Check out our Github repo for some examples: https://github.com/EOLab-HSRW/Ocean_Insight_Spectrometers