
Welcome 20 students into a classroom that is already arranged beforehand into 4 tables, each having a computer and an assembled Jetson Nano that is tested with the activities beforehand. Divide the students in groups and make sure each group has 5 students. A PowerPoint presentation will run simultaneously behind you that you will be able to control. Guide the students to follow the activities listed below.


Artificial intelligence is a prevailing technology entails both opportunities and risks to society and the environment. It is crucial for students to acquire these competences in school, enabling them to master the technology at an early age. This allows them to avoid being dominated by AI; to demystify AI; and to develop the ability for critical reflection in assessing opportunities, applicability and limits of AI for problem solving


Activity 1
  1. Form of group of 10 students and provide them a Nano Jetson kit.
  2. Ask them to start collecting objects around them, which ever they want to be detected. Additionally, they should make a note about what have they collected.
  3. Students should bring the objects in front of the Jetson camera and see the output on the screen. This can be done by connecting the Jetson to a computer and executing the following commands on the terminal
    cd jetson-inference
    bash docker/
    detectnet csi://0.
  4. Finally, noting down if their object is detected correctly or not by the Jetson Nano.

After completing the following activity, they should answer the following questions:

  1. How was their experience with the Jetson Nano?
  2. Which objects did it detect correctly and which it didn’t?
  3. What were their thoughts about A.I earlier and now?
  4. Did they enjoy this activity?
Activity 2
  1. Task1: Ask the students to create their own objects their own object and moving it in horizontal direction by using Command blocks.
  2. Task2: Instruct them to move this object using snap blocks to any random location on the stage.
  3. Task3:The final task is for them to draw a star and keep it saying ‘hello!’ and rotate simultaneously every 0.1 second. Provide then with the solution after 10 minutes of brainstorming

Provide them with the solutions.

Activity 3
The outline for reference

Once they’re done with the activity, ask them this After completing the following activity, they should answer the following questions:

  1. How was their experience outdoors?
  2. Was it difficult to find the objects assigned to them?
  3. Do they have a rough idea on how datasets are trained?
  4. Did they enjoy this activity?

Conclude on what their thoughts about A.I are now and ask if they'll ever want to work in similar fields in the future.