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DFRobot General Tutorial DFRobot Mind+
YouTube: Mind+ Tutorial How to connect and run code on Robomaster Tello Talent on Mind plus software
from djitellopy import TelloSwarm # Create a swarm with two Tello drones swarm = TelloSwarm.fromIps(["", ""]) # Connect to the drones print("Connecting to drones...") swarm.connect() #print("Battery levels:") #for i, battery in enumerate(swarm.get_battery(), start=1): # print(f"Tello{i}: {battery}%") # Change the LED colour of both drones swarm.parallel(lambda i, tello: tello.send_expansion_command("led 255 0 0")) # Execute commands as a swarm swarm.takeoff() swarm.parallel(lambda i, tello: tello.move_forward(50)) # Rotate only the second drone swarm.tellos[1].rotate_clockwise(90) # Change the LED colour of the second drone swarm.tellos[1].send_expansion_command("led 0 255 0") # Land all drones simultaneously print("Mission complete!")