Table of Contents

Robomaster TT (Tello) Educational Drones

Software download:

DFRobot General Tutorial DFRobot Mind+

YouTube: Mind+ Tutorial How to connect and run code on Robomaster Tello Talent on Mind plus software

Firewall Exceptions

Update Drone Firmware

  1. Can only be done through the phone app!
  2. Download the newest Firmware in the App while still connected to the internet - before connecting to the drones wifi
  3. Connect to the drones Wifi (TELLO-xxxx) without the extension module connected!
  4. Under the app settings update firmware

Modify Extension Module Wifi AP

  1. Connect only the extension module with a usb cable to your PC
  2. Open the Mind+ software
  3. Under Extensions (Bottom left) select “RoboMasterTT (ESP32)”
  4. Then change the Wifi AP to something like below and press upload



from djitellopy import TelloSwarm
# Create a swarm with two Tello drones
swarm = TelloSwarm.fromIps(["", ""])
# Connect to the drones
print("Connecting to drones...")
#print("Battery levels:")
#for i, battery in enumerate(swarm.get_battery(), start=1):
#	print(f"Tello{i}: {battery}%")
# Change the LED colour of both drones
swarm.parallel(lambda i, tello: tello.send_expansion_command("led 255 0 0"))
# Execute commands as a swarm
swarm.parallel(lambda i, tello: tello.move_forward(50))
# Rotate only the second drone
# Change the LED colour of the second drone
swarm.tellos[1].send_expansion_command("led 0 255 0")
# Land all drones simultaneously
print("Mission complete!")


GitHub: uwb-tello-swarm

UWB Modules Tello

Gesture Control

GitHub: tello-gesture-control

GitHub: Hand-Tracking-Module

Hand Tracking from scratch Python Tutorial