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Drone Technology SS2024: Duckietown!

The duckiebots have now migrated to the Kamp-Lintfort Germany, they are ready to party. Party location: EOLab at Hochschule Rhein-Waal

πŸ“Œ Course Information

  • Dates: every Wednesday from 10.04.2024 to XX.XX.2024
  • Times: 16:00 - 17:30 Lecture, 17:45 - 19:15 Practical
  • Location: Due to the space required to setup the duckietown, all sessions will be held at β€œDuckie Lab”? (06 01 160) at Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kamp-Lintfort. Any temporary or permanent changes will be communicated via Discord. For addional assistance or questions feel free to visit us at the IoT Lab (02 02 510).
  • Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Becker, Harley Lara
  • Teaching assistant (TA): Njomeny Pierro Marie Mbomnda
  • Support: Harley Lara
  • Communication channel: Join our Discord server Drone Technology

2024-04-10 : Introduction

:!: Duckiebot (DB-J) with Jetson store and package list

2024-04-17 : 🚩 Robot Assembly

To assemble the robot follow the official documentation.

drone-technolgy/ss2024/start.1713156126.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2024/04/15 06:42 by harley.lara