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Equipment Check

This should be done before leaving the lab.

Item Description Status
Remote controller Ensure the remote control is fully charged
Battery Levels Ensure all the batteries all fully charged
(if applicable) iPad/Table Ensure the iPad/Table is fully charged
SD cards Ensure that the SD cards are functional and have enough space to collect the mission data.
Insurance Verify drone's insurance and take it with you
Propellers Inspect propellers for damage and ensure that they are not broken or cracked, and take extra propellers.
Item Status
First-aid kit
x2 High Visibility Vests prepare one or more high visibility vests for the pilot and the mission personnel
Area delimiters The area delimiters determine the pilot's operating area, which is considered restricted area during operation
Field Survey Tools
Landing Pads

Mission-specific equipment

Item Description Status
Ground Control Points (GCP) takes the required amount of GCP needed for the mission
Anchors Prepare the anchors needed to secure the GCPs to the ground
GNSS/RTK GPS Receiver Make sure GNSS/GPS base and rover are charged
Survey poles
Field Survey Tools
Landing Pads
drones/mission/start.1729758937.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/24 10:35 by harley.lara