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IoT Finca Gran Canaria

Project Idea: LoRa based sensor network.

IoT Finca is an interdisciplinary project developing hardware and software for embedded sensor systems using LoRaWAN for wireless data transmission.

Students from the Formacion Profesional IES Rincon are developing a LoRaWAN based wireless sensor network (WSN) as part of an internship with the company Dr. Stetter ITQ in Las Palmas. The project is supported by the German Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.

The LoRaWAN technology is a major IoT technology for long ranging lower power wireless sensors. The WSN will be deployed at the Finca El Viso to monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, etc.

About the Finca El Viso

The Finca El Viso is an Agroecological Social Entrepreneurship Incubator. The Cabildo Insular, the City Council of Telde, Fundación MAPFRE Guanarteme and the Association for the Development of Social and Community Economy (ADESCO) join forces to support this initiative, which serves as an incubator for social entrepreneurship projects in the primary sector aimed at raising awareness of organic farming, environmental sustainability, circular economy and the generation of employment opportunities for the most needy segments of the population through the ecological exploitation of agricultural areas.

El Viso is the perfect place to demonstrate state of the art IoT technologies supporting organic farming.

Video: About the Finca El Viso

Distributed System Architecture

The LoRa nodes equipped with environmental sensors send their data wirelessly via the LoRaWAN protocol to a gateway which forwards the data to a stack of different LoRaWAN servers provided by the TTN (The Things Network) community based LoRaWAN infrastructure. The data collected in a specific application on the server can be requested from an integrated MQTT broker. The MQTT protocol implements a publisher-subscriber software pattern. The sensor data is published under a certain “topic”, a kind of name of an end point.


  • Dragino DLOS8 LoRaWAN Gateway with 4G
  • Heltec CubeCell LoRaWAN enabled microcontroller dev. board
  • SHT40 Sensirion Temperature/Humidity sensor (I2C):
  • LiPo Cell, 500 - 1000mAh: Connector must match the CubeCell
Fig.: Discussion at ITQ: rough project outline (2022-03-10).


eolab/gc/finca/start.1647470477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/16 23:41 by rolf001