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Event Marketing Template

Name of the event:
Dieter Kick-Off

Who was present (headlining the event):

  • RUB: Thomas Heinze, Thorsten Gökpinar, Florian Lam, Wiebke Warner
  • EXWE: Yuri Struszczynski, Chris Apfelbeck
  • HSRW: Jan Sonntag
  • Bad Ems/AGBB: Frank Girmann, Bodo Hinterwäller, Thomas Emmerich
  • US: Holger Class, Martin Schneider, Bernd Flemisch, David Lipp

Who represented the Lab at the event: Jan

When and where: 22.01.2024 + 23.01.2024

What was the aim of the event itself: Officially starting the Dieter project. Everyone could get to know the other partners and the mine we will be working in. Also some technical stuff was discussed.

What was the Lab representative's agenda:

  • Presenting our workpackage (AP1)
  • Discussing technical parts
  • Inspecting Mine → Where to install sensors

Are there photos or recordings of the event available? If yes, are they on Slam team cloud Media gallery?:

It was dark ok :-D

Did we establish connections/partnership? If so, with who?: Well Dieter started so all off the above

Additional comments: Official Pressrelease in German

pr-blog/dieter-kick-off.1707821047.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/13 11:44 by jan.sonntag