Cargo Drone
How To
Project Description
[To be added]
Frame type
The cargo drone is based on the Octo Quad H frame. The diagram below shows the motor order for this tpe:
Source: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/connect-escs-and-motors.html#motor-order-diagrams
Figure: Cargo drone dimensions in mm
Motor distribution
The image below shows the Cargo drone model with the motor order and labels:
- The first three digits in the labels indicate the position of the motor:
F / R - Front / Rear
R / L - Right / Left
T / B - Top / Bottom
- The number indicates which output pin from the flight controller should be connected to each motor ESC.
Image: Pixhawk output pins.
- The last digits indicate the direction of rotation of the motor:
CW - ClockWise
CCW - CounterClockWise
Helix H25F 1.80m
H25F 1.80m R-LES-04-2
H25F 1.80m L-LES-04-2
RET 30
The motors were properly labeled.
Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
HBC 18063-3
Labeled with the numbers for the flight controller pin connections.
Flight controller
Battery, Electronics, and Power Distribution Cables
[To be added]
Test 1
Date: 09.sept.2021
Place: FabLab HSRW Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
Carried out by: Jefferson Sandoval and Harley Lara
Video: Testing ESC + motors reaction and direction of rotation
The Team
drones/cargo/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/12 17:25 by harley.lara