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Emergency Drone - Projektidee INTERREG D-NL

Work Packages Index

We (as HSRW - EOLab) are responsible for work packages 3, 4, 5 and 7. The following section represents our main index of information, links and resources relevant to the progress and development of each work package.

Arbeitspaket Funkdrohne

Fliegendes Multi-Hop-Kommunikationsnetzwerk für Einsatzkräfte, basierend auf stationären kabelgebundenen Drohnen.

TRL 4 – Technology Validated in Lab

Tethered Communication Drone (2023-02-28)
at the Green FabLab of HSRW Kamp-Lintfort.
Flying Antenna: Tethered Communication Drone
Promo Video First test flight

Results, Additional Information

Material of DLRG

eolab/emergency_drone/start.1714291314.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/28 10:01 by rolf.becker