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Garbage Bins Moers


Part Links
CubeCell AB-01 Dev-Board Product Website
VL53L0X Time-of-Flight ranging sensor Product Website
2000 mAh LiPo-Battery
Fig.: Garbage Bin in the IoT-Lab HSRW
Fig.: Sensor Module
Fig.: Insides of the Module
Fig.: CAD
Fig.: Sensor Module installed in the door of the trashcan
Fig.: Sensor Module installed in the door of the trashcan
Fig.: Charging/Progamming the Module via USB


Fig.: Data Flow
Fig.: Node-Red Flow
Fig.: Upload interval can be changed via a LoRa Downlink
eolab/moers_garbage_bins/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/03/16 17:43 by henrik.schoofs