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//Frohnenbruch Bioladen// Excursion Handbook

Welcome to the handbook of organising a Sinn?Voll! excursion at our project partner Frohnenbruch Bioladenhof. Here, you can find a detailed documentation of the excursions that took place for the students of Fundamentals of Geodata Management (Bachelor) and Geoinformatics (Master) courses.

The following contains a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the field-trips for the students in the following semester, which is also transferable to other courses and excursions to different project/industry partners.

1. Data Sources and Prerequisites

1.1 Download and install the app ‘EMLID Flow’

Download the data in folder from the Moodle course page under the “Excursion” folder.

You will need to download the compressed folder first, then un-compress it to extract the individual files before using them.

Section 1.2 below lists the details of the three different airborne and satellite data sets you will be using, along with what the files are in each directory.

Section 2 “ Accessing the ODM Image Processing Software” will guide you through options on where to store and back-up your data.

Critical Instructions:

- None of these files will open by “clicking” or selecting them with your mouse or cursor!

- You will open each of these files up in the ODM image processing software package by adding each one as a Raster layer.

eolab/sinnvoll/frohnenbruch.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/24 16:10 by shreya