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The offline FarmOS Guide

This guide shows a complete walkthrough of installing a FarmOS instance locally on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. Furthermore, an instance of Node-Red, InfluxDB, and Grafana is added. To learn more about the basics you can read this guide: First step with your NIG After installing everything you will be able to follow the mentioned guide to make your first steps with Node-Red, InfluxDB, and Grafana. Also, we will install a reverse proxy, which will help us access our installed services more easily in our own network.

Here you can see the overall architecture of the Internet of Agriculture Project. The online and offline versions are very similar or basically the same with small differences in configuration. Also, it is possible to use a third-party service provider like Yookr, which is part of the IoA project to make and provide all the online services for you.

 IoA Stack

eolab/ioa/offline_farmos/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/10/27 23:17 by jan001