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The Game

Here's a fun activity whereby the students can understand object detection and training datasets better.

  • Divide students in a group of 5 and choose 5 objects.(lets say: leaves, flowers, plants, trees, animals).
  • Assign 4 labels to each group. Each group should click 20 photos of each label. (for instance: group 1 get 4 labels: leaves, flowers, trees, animals. Group 1 together should click 80 pictures in total of the 4 labels defined).
  • Finally, ask every student of the group to try and click a unique photo of the 5th label (unassigned label)(Now all the kids of group one should try to click a unique photo of plants)
  • Train the model on 80 images and let the model predict any 5 images. The group which produces the images which remains undetected or get the lowest sum of confidence wins for clicking the most unique photos.
The outline


Using the competitiveness and enthusiasm

ip/ws2021/lets_plaiy/student-documentation/game/start.1642093939.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/01/13 18:12 by lavjotbrar001