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5.Object detection with Snap

Great progress by now, you have learned to detect object with nano jetson and play around with snap. So, lets take a step forward by combining both of them. For this, first you need set up snap:

- Open snap

- Download the snap .xml files from the github code. (Provided in the end of the documentation)

- Select the import option from snap and import this files. (Make sure the javascript extensions are selected in settings)

After the snap is set up. You should read documentation in github to understand the created snap blocks. Further, watch explanatory videos Part 1 and Part 2 by Ali Farizada on object detection with snap.

Part 1

Part 2

After watching the videos and going through github documentation, its time to start performing an activity.

We will re perform the activity 3.1.

5.1 Activity

  1. Keep the same group of 10 students and set up snap for object detection.
  2. For the earlier collected objects, make a new list about them.
  3. Now start detecting objects with snap.
  4. Finally, noting down if their object is detected correctly or not by Snap.

After completing the following activity, they should answer the following questions:

  1. Which objects did it detect correctly and which it didn’t?
  2. Which objects were detected by Snap and not by Nano jetson?
  3. What do you think makes this detections efficiencies difference? and which of them performed better?
  4. What possible way can you think of, where you can use this technology? (Be as much creative as you can)

5.2 Activity

The group should now plan a presentation to explain their learning and their experience during this complete activity

ip/ws2021/lets_plaiy/student-documentation/object-detection-snap/start.1645102520.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/17 13:55 by bashar001