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New LoRaWAN weatherstation Kleve Rathaus

Name of the event:
Installing a new weather station at Kleve Rathaus

Who was present (headlining the event):

Who represented the Lab at the event:

  • Jan

When and where: 06.02.2024 - Kleve Rathaus

What was the aim of the event itself: Installing and testing/evaluating a LoRaWAN Weatherstaion by SenseCap/Seeed Studio. TTN LoRaWAN Connection to our Gateway installed at the weather station at the Arboretum in Kleve.

What was the Lab representative's agenda:

Are there photos or recordings of the event available? If yes, are they on Slam team cloud Media gallery?:

Did we establish connections/partnership? If so, with who?:

Additional comments: The dashboard is also publicly available: Our Grafana Dashboard

pr-blog/kleve-lorawan-weatherstation-rathaus.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/02/13 12:05 by jan.sonntag