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SDG Africa Partnership

Workshop with Ellen and Charles, two scientists from Makerere University Kampala, Uganda, together with Clein and Rolf from HSRW :-)


Extra material:


* Finished the numpy tutorial from cs231. Skipped the image processing for now * Followed partially the hands-on-ml3 tutorial (tools_pandas.ipynb). Material covered: - import pandas and alias - Series: create from list, give index, give name, create from dictionary. slicing, alignment, plotting - Handle time with pd.date_range() - Creating a Dataframe: by dictionary. - selecting columns, accesing values, filtering, transposing. skipped multi-indexing, stacking and unstacking, - datafream read: read_csv and read_excel. And dat frame write

Homework: explore the real data:

sdg_africa/start.1699463342.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/08 18:09 by clein_alexander.sarmiento_castrillon