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SDG Africa Partnership
Workshop with Ellen and Charles, two scientists from Makerere University Kampala, Uganda, together with Clein and Rolf from HSRW
- Download and install of QGIS
- Download and install anaconda
- conda environment creation
- installation of libraries according to - Correction of packages: jupyterlab pandas geopandas shapely fiona pyproj rasterio sqlalchemy psycopg2 ipython-sql bs4
- up to numpy
Extra material:
- pandas tutorial (comprehensive):
- * Finished the numpy tutorial from cs231. Skipped the image processing for now
- * Followed partially the hands-on-ml3 tutorial (tools_pandas.ipynb). Material covered:
- * import pandas and alias
- * Series: create from list, give index, give name, create from dictionary. slicing, alignment, plotting
- * Handle time with pd.date_range()
- * Creating a Dataframe: by dictionary.
- * selecting columns, accesing values, filtering, transposing. skipped multi-indexing, stacking and unstacking,
- * datafream read: read_csv and read_excel. And dat frame write
Homework: explore the real data:
- * first notebook gnb0101_DWD_
To correct:
- 1) Explain what the grabfile function is doing with doc string
- 2) Show them what the problem of the file is by uploading in QGIS
- 3) Let them import the file by themselves, So they see the problem again
- 4) Notice that station ID is being read as integer. So correct that by a dtype dictionary
- 5) Update the administrative boundaries links
- geopandas notebook gnb0131_Geopandas_
To correct:
- Give the LL and UR coordinates and let the. figure out the rest
- Show an example of usage for Point and for Line in shapely. Ask then for creating the polygon
- geopandas as a tool to have data frames with georeferenced data. So let them use the example and modify the data as they need it
- Show how to find the correct item in the documentation
- Let them practice by repeating the steps with a different bounding box or with a different shape
sdg_africa/start.1699531403.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/09 13:03 by clein_alexander.sarmiento_castrillon